Room 666

Room 666
dir. Wim Wenders/Germany/1982/44 min.
Iluzjon, sala Stolica
Muranów, Gerard

“There was a general gloom at the 1982 Cannes Film Festival. The feeling that the end of cinema was inevitable was roaming everywhere. A ”black hole” was opening in film history so to say. So I thought I would do a survey among my colleagues about the future of cinema. I invited them all to the only available room in the whole town. Room 666 at the Hotel Martinez. The was a single camera in the room and the question was on the table. My colleagues only had to turn on the tape recorder and the camera when they were ready to give their solitary answers. Godard, Fassbinder, Spielberg, Antonioni, Herzog, and other filmmakers gave a response to the question: “Is cinema a language about to get lost, an art about to die?” Some have answered the question very extensively, others were unsettled by the situation and remained silent, We then cut those out…”


  • projection time:
    44 min.
  • country/year:
    Germany /1982
  • director:
    Wim Wenders
  • pictures:
    Agnès Godard
  • editor:
    Chantal de Vismes
  • production:
    Chris Sievernich / Reverse Angle Library
  • festivals and awards:
    Wybrane f1985 – Berlinale IFF, 2006 – Cannes IFF, 2023 – Festival Lumière Lyon

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