Just Hear Me Out

Just Hear Me Out
dir. Małgorzata Imielska/Poland/2024/76 min.
Gdyńskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Goplana

After 2 years in a mental hospital, Gosia, 18, is returning to her family and friends. As every other young woman, all she wants is a chance at ordinary life: to finish her studies and meet someone who will love her. She fights to be heard and understood, and speaks openly about her experience of schizophrenia. Our camera accompanied Gosia for 3 years. We were there when she struggled with the voices in her own head and faced brutal rejection, and the stigma of being different. We also witnessed the unrelenting fear of her parents, that of losing their child.


  • projection time:
    76 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland /2024
  • director:
    Małgorzata Imielska
  • pictures:
    Zuzanna Zachara Hassairi
  • editor:
    Grażyna Gradoń, Marcin Szymański
  • production:
    Agnieszka Balicka, Janusz Skałkowski, Barbara Ławska / Studio Filmowe Kalejdoskop, Mazovia Warsaw Film Found, Telewizja Polska S.A.
  • festivals and awards:
    2024 – Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival: World Premiere

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