Block 1. The Educational Film Studio’s films with music by Krzysztof Komeda

Set of films
Kino Orzeł

The 1950s and the 1960s were a period of prosperity for the Educational Film Studio in Łódź. The directors used means to make the nature film and the production with didactic messages more attractive – both in the dramatic, visual and musical layers. The block includes films in which Krzysztof Komeda's music was cast in one of the main roles to attract the viewers.

The Face of the Enemy

The preventive documentary film about the social problem of alcoholism. In the film we see scenes of drinking alcohol in restaurants, cafes and bars by fashionably dressed party goers. Krzysztof Komeda's jazz music shapes the mood of 1960s parties. However, these images are contrasted with shots of houses where alcohol harms the youngest. And the atmosphere begins to be created by the deformations contained in the soundtrack.


About Platform Surroundings

The film shows the painstaking process of inspection and maintenance of passenger carriages. Accompanied by jazz music, we learn about the toil of the employees railways. A request to passengers to respect their work is the main message of the film.



A moralizing film with Krzysztof Komeda's music. A young couple go for a drive. He (Andrzej Zieliński) drives a Morris Mini Cooper recklessly. As a result of a reckless an accident occurs. The girl (Barbara Brylska) is hospitalized.


Ant Trails

The film "Ant Trails" is as intriguing and engrossing as the best thriller. Despite the passage of almost 70 years since its making, this extraordinary, dramatic story about the surprising customs of ant communities, precisely told and photographed, still inspires vivid emotions. The main character here is a special species of these insects called Amazons (Polyergus rufescens), which in the ant world is a counterpart of the rogue hordes of Huna Attila.

The dramatic nature of the film images is emphasized by the specially composed music by the famous jazz musician Jerzy "Dudus" Matuszkiewicz, performed by Krzysztof Komeda's sextet.

The dramatic nature of the film images is emphasized by a specially composed music composed by the famous jazzman Jerzy "Dudus" Matuszkiewicz and performed by Krzysztof Komeda's sextet.

films in set