As the Tide Comes In

As The Tide Comes In
dir. Juan Palacios, Sofie Husum Johannesen/Denmark/2023/88 min.
Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Lalka

The 27 residents on the tiny Danish Wadden Sea island of Mandø are used to severe weather and flooding. But climate change and increasingly extreme weather now pose a serious threat to the eight-square-kilometer island. Its last farmer, Gregers, bravely faces the inevitable catastrophe.


  • projection time:
    88 min.
  • country/year:
    Denmark /2023
  • director:
    Juan Palacios, Sofie Husum Johannesen
  • pictures:
    Juan Palacios
  • editor:
    Nicolas Nørgaard Staffolani
  • production:
    Kasper Lykke Schultz / Elk Film
  • festivals and awards:
    2023 – IDFA Amsterdam, 2024 – Doc Point Helsinki

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