protagonist of the film “I’m Not Everything I Want to Be”

Photographer Libuše Jarcovjáková has been taking photographs since the 1970s, mapping her life and documenting her feelings through visually powerful photographs. Her work has been exhibited throughout Europe and covered in many major European magazines and newspapers (The Guardian, Le Monde) as well as the New York Times or Aperture, in United States. Her books include e.g. the worldwide successful book Evokativ (Untitled publishing, 2019), mapping photographs from Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 1980s which was shortlisted for the Aperture–Paris Photo Book Award and a new book T-Club (Untitled publishing, 2024) providing a unique insight into wild underground life of the legendary LGBTQ+ bar in Prague in 1980s. Libuše Jarcovjáková is the protagonist of the film “I’m not Everything I Want to Be” which screens in the Main Competition at the Millennium Docs Against Gravity film festival.