director of the film “Indistinct Clatter of Birds”

Born in 1989 in Zakopane where he graduated from the Antoni Kenar High School of Fine Arts. He studied Philosophy at the Pontifical University in Kraków and then continued his studies at the University of Warsaw. As of 2019, he is studying Film and Television Directing at the Łódź Film School (PWSFTViT). At the Film School he made several feature and documentary shorts. One of his most important films is “The Disappearance of Janusz Klarner” (2021). He made it using the found-footage technique, mixing original film from a 1939 Himalayan expedition with feature shorts from the 1940s and 1950s. Festivals and awards: 37th Warsaw International Film Festival, world premiere; 19th Krakow Mountain Festival – 2nd prize in the Polish competition;  70th Trento Film Festival -–official selection; Tbilisi International Student Film Festival – Best Director Award; Berg Tegernsee International Film Festival – Special prize.

He is currently working on his documentary debut, “Indistinct Clatter of Birds”. It is a found-footage film about Włodzimierz Puchalski, produced by Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych (Educational Film Studio) in Łódź. The premiere is planned for 2024.