Discussion after the screening TWO STRANGERS TRYING NOT TO KILL EACH OTHER

Friday, May 10 | 18:00 p.m. | Muranów

Discussion: Filmotherapy On Senior Love

after the screening TWO STRANGERS TRYING NOT TO KILL EACH OTHER, dir. Jacob Perlmutter, Manon Oimet

Partner: Filmoterapia

First love at a late age – does it ever happen? A more general question would be if and when love happens at all. What kind of relationships do we form with others, and how is this determined?

How do we talk to our partner so that both sides feel heard? And what if both partners are artists – can it work? It is helpful to demonstrate emotional maturity, be explicit about one's emotions and containerise, that is, accommodate the partner’s feelings. How do you do this? We will discuss it at the Filmotherapy event at Millenium Docs Against Gravity, together with psychotherapists, including Katarzyna Miller and, as always, the author of the Filmoterapia.pl project, Martyna Harland.

After all, life is about growing and improving self-awareness, otherwise, the feelings we repress will hunt us down, turning us into caricatures of ourselves in old age. The protagonists show us how to avoid this, presenting a portrait of emotionally mature people: open to the world and each other.