E.1027 – Eileen Gray and the House by the Sea

E.1027 – Eileen Gray and the House by the Sea
dir. Beatrice Minger, Christoph Schaub/Switzerland/2024/89 min.
Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Lwów

The Irish designer Eileen Gray builds a refuge on the Côte d'Azur in 1929. Her first house is a discrete, avant-garde masterpiece. She names it E.1027, a cryptic marriage of her initials and those of Jean Badovici, with whom she built it. Le Corbusier, upon discovering the house, becomes intrigued, obsessed. He covers the walls with murals and publishes photos of them. Gray describes these paintings as vandalism and demands restitution. He ignores her wishes and instead builds his famous Cabanon directly behind E.1027, which dominates the narrative of the site to this day.


  • projection time:
    89 min.
  • country/year:
    Switzerland /2024
  • director:
    Beatrice Minger, Christoph Schaub
  • pictures:
    Ramón Giger
  • editor:
    Gion-Reto Killias
  • production:
    Anja Dziersk / Das Kollektiv
  • festivals and awards:
    2024 – CPH:DOX Copenhagen

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