God is a Woman

God is a Woman
dir. Andrès Peyrot/France, Switzerland, Panama/2023/87 min.
Gdyńskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Morskie Oko

Swiss-Panamanian director Andrés Peyrot films with the Indigenous Kuna people in Panama’s San Blas islands as they seek to lay claim to a 1975 documentary that captured their community, but never was shown to them. Film explores what happens after a community is used as a subject — and never sees the final product. 


  • projection time:
    87 min.
  • country/year:
    France, Switzerland, Panama /2023
  • director:
    Andrès Peyrot
  • pictures:
    Patrick Tresch, Nicolas Desaintquentin
  • editor:
    Sabine Emiliani
  • production:
    Brieuc Dréano, Andrés Peyrot, Johan De Faria / Industrie Films, Upside Films, P.S. Productions
  • festivals and awards:
    2023 – Venice IFF, 2023 – Toronto IFF

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