Eternal Memory

Eternal Memory
dir. Maite Alberdi/Chile/2023/85 min.
Gdyńskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Warszawa

Augusto Góngora has been suffering from Alzheimer’s for several years, and his wife, Paulina Urrutia, a famous Chilean actress and former minister of culture, has to remind him every day of who he was and is, who she is, and why they are together. She does so unrelentingly, with extraordinary devotion and ingenuity. Film creates a tender and unforgettable portrait of a national and personal past, a great love, and a disease that goes from bad to worse.


  • projection time:
    85 min.
  • country/year:
    Chile /2023
  • director:
    Maite Alberdi
  • pictures:
    Pablo Valdés
  • editor:
    Carolina Siraqyan
  • production:
    Juan de Dios Larraín , Pablo Larraín, Rocio Jadue / Micromundo, Fabula Films
  • festivals and awards:
    2023 – FF Sundance: Zwycięzca Międzynarodowego Konkursu Dokumentalnego, 2023 – CPH: DOX Kopenhaga, 2023 – nagroda Cinema Eye Honors za najlepszą reżyserię, 2023 – nominacja do Oscara®

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