Hotel Mokum

Hotel Mokum
dir. Yannesh Meijman/The Netherlands/2023/30 min.

Screenings of the film as part of the online edition of the 21st FF Millennium Docs Against Gravity, which will take place from May 21 to June 3, 2024.

“Hotel Mokum” is a documentary about a collective that squatted an abandoned hotel in Amsterdam. The collective transformed the hotel into a home, a refuge and an oasis in a city smothered by hypergentrification. At the height of its popularity, “Hotel Mokum” got evicted under the guise of fire safety. The story is rooted in protest against the housing crises and the criminalization of squatting. An intimate portrait of a hopeful collective and the city they are working to reclaim.


  • projection time:
    30 min.
  • country/year:
    The Netherlands /2023
  • director:
    Yannesh Meijman
  • pictures:
    Sam Broekman
  • editor:
    Yannesh Meijman
  • production:
    Guusje van Deuren, Robin Alper / HALAL
  • festivals and awards:
    IDFA Amsterdam

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