Life and Deaths of Max Linder

Życie i śmierci Max Lindera
dir. Edward Porembny/Poland, France, US, Belgium/2024/99 min.
Światowid, sala Duża

Searching for documentation about Max Linder, we found in an abandoned house a trunk sealed for 100 years, with a film from 1926 by an unknown filmmaker. The film depicts Max Linder, the first international screen star who was once revered in France, throughout Europe and in Hollywood. This pioneer of early silent film comedy was a mentor to Charlie Chaplin. Max miraculously avoided death five times. And finally, at the height of his artistic powers, he and his adored wife committed a double suicide. How was this possible?


  • projection time:
    99 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland, France, US, Belgium /2024
  • director:
    Edward Porembny
  • pictures:
    Joo Joostberens
  • editor:
    Aia Asé
  • production:
    Edward Porembny / AMP Polska Edward Porembny
  • festivals and awards:
    2024 – Millennium Docs Against Gravity IFF: World Premiere

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