Viva Varda!

Viva Varda!
dir. Pierre-Henri Gibert/France/2023/67 min.
Gdyńskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Goplana

Agnès Varda, iconoclastic instigator of the New Wave, reinvented what film could look like and what stories they could tell. Varda herself is an instantly recognizable figure, who we have come to know through her own lens. „Viva Varda!” reveals a brand new perspective on the influential filmmaker’s life and work, with never-before-seen archive footage and illuminating interviews with her family, friends and collaborators. On the occasion of the exhibition at the French Cinémathèque (October 11th 2023 – January 28th 2024), the first ever portrait of the renowned pioneering female filmmaker not made by Varda herself provides a profoundly new look at the life and work of the exceptional artist.


  • projection time:
    67 min.
  • country/year:
    France /2023
  • director:
    Pierre-Henri Gibert
  • pictures:
    Nicolas Duchêne, Denis Gaubert, Brian Allan Stewart, Tristan Chenais
  • editor:
    Pierre-Henri Gibert, Laure-Alice Hervé
  • production:
    Fabienne Servan-Schreiber, Rosalie Varda, Laurence Miller / Cinétévé, Ciné-Tamaris, Arte France
  • festivals and awards:
    2023 – TIFF Toronto, 2023 – Doc Lisboa Lisbon

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