The Waste Land

The Waste Land
dir. Chris Teerink/The Netherlands, Belgium/2024/105 min.
Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Lwów

“The Wasted Land” is a film that delves deeply into the complex tapestry of the famous poem by T.S. Eliot. Written in a time of crisis and uncertainty, The Waste Land resonates with the challenges of our own era, such as climate change, political instability, and the quest for ‘new’ meaning in a rapidly changing world. 


  • projection time:
    105 min.
  • country/year:
    The Netherlands, Belgium /2024
  • director:
    Chris Teerink
  • pictures:
    Chris Teerink
  • editor:
    Chris Teerink
  • production:
    Frank van Reemst, Joost Verhey, Mark Daems / Doc.Eye Film, Associate Directors
  • festivals and awards:
    IFFR: Harbour

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