Miastoprojekcje cycle. Construction On the Horizon: the Challenges of Coastal Architecture, Resort Style, And the Impact On the Environment And Well-Being of the Local Community

Sunday, May 12, 2:15 p.m., screening room Warszawa

Meeting: Miastoprojekcje cycle. Construction On the Horizon: the Challenges of Coastal Architecture, Resort Style, And the Impact On the Environment And Well-Being of the Local Community

after the screening of the film E.1027 – EILEEN GRAY AND THE HOUSE BY THE SEA, dir. Beatrice Minger and Christoph Schaub,

Partner: City Culture Institute’s Cinema in Gdańsk 

The film is a contribution to a twofold discussion. Firstly, we will discuss the present-day status of coastal architecture, looking back at the history of the buildings in the Tricity and northern Kashubia. How do human activities affect our environment? To what extent are they legal? Does beach building deprive us of natural protection against flooding, and what does man resort to in the name of greater economic gain? The second line of discussion will revolve around the feminisation of architecture. We will examine whether gender sensitivities translate into urban space. What do female architects and male architects pay attention to? Joanna Wiśniowska, who has been covering the climate processes on the Polish coast in Gazeta Wyborcza for years, will talk with our experts.


Katarzyna Rozmarynowska, dra hab. inż. arch. – architect and urban planner, expert in landscape architecture and history of garden art. Vice-president of the Institute for Pomeranian Landscape Conservation. Author of the monograph "Ogrody odchodzące...? Z dziejów gdańskiej zieleni publicznej 1708-1945", as well as numerous scientific and popular science articles, expert opinions, exhibitions, and studies and designs related to greenery. For more than thirty years she was associated with the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology and for the last few years with the Sopot University of Technology.

Michał Domińczyk, dr hab. inż. arch. – spatial planning expert. Lecturer, architect and historian of urban planning, specialising in the history of building law and urban planning regulations as well as monument revitalisation and conservation. Member of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland, the Chamber of Civil Engineers of the Republic of Poland, the Polish Committee of the International Council for Monument Protection ICOMOS UNESCO and the Congress for the New Urbanism. In the years 2003-2005 Architect of the City of Zgierz, in 2003 he initiated the creation of the first cultural park in Poland, "The City of Weavers". In the years 2005-2007, Municipal Conservator of Monuments in Łódź. Author of many conservation, architectural, and urban planning projects.


Joanna Wiśniowska – journalist associated with “Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto”, “Wysokie Obcasy” and “Krytyka Polityczna”. Her texts have been published in “Tygodnik Powszechny”, newonce.sport and the magazine “Kopalnia. Sztuka Futbolu”. She writes about climate, environment, and women's sport.