YYAA. Wojciech Bruszewski

YYAA. Wojciech Bruszewski
dir. Elwira Kozłowska/Poland/2023/73 min.
Kinoteka, sala 2
Iluzjon, sala Mała Czarna

What is reality? Who holds the key to truth-humans or our own technological creations? Wojciech Bruszewski, a rebellious force in the realm of cinema, a pioneer in the global video art movement, a relentless researcher, and an intrepid art experimenter, embarks on a journey beyond conventional boundaries to explore cognition and pioneer breakthroughs in language, sound, imagery, and cutting-edge technologies.

Through preserved films, archival recordings, photographs, and reactivated devices, we are not only introduced to his endeavors but also encouraged to partake in them firsthand. Serving as our guides into Bruszewski's mesmerizing universe are the man himself and a select group of accomplished contemporary art historians, scholars, artists, media experts, designers, and avant-garde figures in the realm of AI, all of whom contribute to his reimagining. So, the inquiry persists: who is positioned closer to unraveling the enigma of truth?


  • projection time:
    73 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland /2023
  • director:
    Elwira Kozłowska
  • pictures:
    Nicolas Villegas
  • editor:
    Marcin Szymański
  • production:
    Marika Kuźmicz / Fundacja Arton, Szkoła Filmowa w Łodzi, Fundacja Lab.lab
  • festivals and awards:
    2024 – Millennium Docs Against Gravity: World Premiere

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