Scenes From The Life of a Man

Scenes From the Life of a Man
dir. Bogdan Dziworski/Poland/1983/20 min.
Kinoteka, sala 3

An unusual film with an unusual protagonist – a man deprived of both hands but able to perform almost all daily activities on his own. We see that Jerzy Orłowski is not only skillful with a door key or lighting a cigarette, but also skis, swims, and draws with real artistry. All this is told without a single word, solely through evocative images, accompanied only by isolated sound effects and the hero's whistling. A restrained and at the same time poignant film by Bogdan Dziworski – one of the most outstanding filmmakers associated with the Educational Films Studio (WFDK), with excellent cinematography by Krzysztof Ptak.


  • projection time:
    20 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland /1983
  • director:
    Bogdan Dziworski
  • pictures:
    Krzysztof Ptak
  • editor:
    Agnieszka Bojanowska
  • production:
    Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych
  • music:
    Janusz Hajdun
  • festivals and awards:
    1983 – International Short Film Festival in Cracow: Grand Prix Golden Dragon, Award for the Best Cinematography: Krzysztof Ptak; 1983 – Huesca International Film Festival: Grand Prix; 1995 – München IFF: Jury Special Award

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